The camp staff wants your week to be filled with exciting experiences, new friendships and fun. For this to happen, the campers must be considerate of others, participate fully in the camp program, observe camp rules, and respect the camp staff and facilities. Those that do not follow the camp guidelines may face immediate dismissal from camp and fees will be forfeited. A parent/guardian will be notified immediately and will be expected to pick up the camper.
- Timeliness. Campers are to report on time to all scheduled activities.
- Participation. Participants are required to participate in all scheduled activities. Only a camp staff member may grant permission to be excused.
- Facilities. Campers are to remain in designated areas only (athletic fields, public spaces, academic buildings). Campers are restricted from certain areas of the facilities (storage rooms, equipment rooms, athletic training rooms, staff/faculty offices). Campers are not permitted to leave the activity areas or go off campus unless accompanied or granted special permission by a camp staff member. There will be no running around campus or creating excessive noise.
- Courteous and respectful behavior is expected at all times to all camp staff and participants.
- Misuse, damage, or theft of University property is unacceptable. Charges will be assessed against participants responsible for damaged or missing University property.
- Heelies are not allowed during camp.
- Alcohol, drugs, and weapons. The possession or use of alcohol and other drugs, fireworks, guns and other weapons is prohibited.
- Violence, including sexual abuse or harassment, will not be tolerated.
- Hazing and bullying of any kind (including verbal, physical, and cyber-bullying) is prohibited.
- Smoking and tobacco use. Penn State policy states that smoking and tobacco use is not permitted in campus buildings or on the property. The policy does allow smoking or the use of tobacco inside closed personal vehicles that are parked on Penn State property. See Penn State’s tobacco-free policy if you have any questions.
- Cell phones. Cell phones must be turned off during class and during special sessions. If a parent needs to contact their child during camp for any reason, they may contact our office at 570-963-2600.
- Photography. We respect our campers’ right to privacy, and some parents do not give permission for photos to be taken of their children while at camp. Photography (including selfies) and other imaging on digital devices is prohibited while attending camp, including during lunch and break periods, and in restrooms or other areas where privacy is expected by participants.