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Emily Glodzik

Emily Glodzik

Emily Glodzik, a financial assistant in the bursar's office at Penn State Scranton, is the campus' October Employee of the Month.

grand reopening guests

Veterans lounge

Penn State Scranton Police Officer John Padula and veterans Shawn Kane and Shamus McGuigan, students at Penn State Scranton, take part in the grand re-opening of the campus' Veterans' Lounge, located in the lower level of the library.

updated SLC patio pic

updated patio photo

The new patio between the Study Learning Center and Dawson Building is starting to take shape and should be completed and reopened to pedestrians in a few weeks. New concrete has been poured, trees and shrubs have been planted, bricks are being laid in some sections, and large decorative boulders have been placed.

John Lindak


John Lindak, Vice President and Business Valuation Services Manager, Wilmington Trust

Earth's Largest Spider graphic

Eveland Book cover graphic

The cover of “The Hunt for Tyrannus Arachnis, The Earth’s Largest Spider” a new book written by Penn State Scranton's Tom Eveland, B.A., M.S., an adjunct lecturer of science, leaves no doubt as to what the subject matter.

The Hunt for Tyrannus Arachnis, The Earth’s Largest Ancient Spider”

Penn State Scranton science lecturer pens book on Earth’s largest ancient spider

Tom Eveland, an adjunct lecturer in science at Penn State Scranton, recently published “The Hunt for Tyrannus Arachnis, The Earth’s Largest Ancient Spider.” The 50-page, seven-chapter science tome was designed as a supplemental guide for science classes from high school through college and aims to show students how science and scientists work.