Freshman Fall
On-line workshop - PSU Safe & Awareness
Set goals with academic advisor
Complete career assessment
Service Fair - community service
Financial aid workshop
Global Learning - attend diversity event
Health & Wellness- attend wellness classes, participate in red cross
Leadership - "Lunch & Learn"
SGA/Clubs- attend Club Rush
Transition Fair ? Change of Campus
Advising Week
Research - speak to faculty regarding research options
Freshman Spring
Review goals with academic advisor
Speed Mentoring ? Alumni Services
Career Shadowing/Internships
Financial Aid budget planning
Global Learning - Study Abroad
Health & Wellness - attend yoga or Pilates,workshops on health & prevention
Leadership - "Lunch & Learn"
SGA/Clubs - Participate in clubs
Link U.P.
Career Services - Get Connected ? Stay Connected
Research - attend research fair
Futures Fair
Sophomore Fall
Meet with academic advisor
Attend Transition Workshop
Career - Major Exploration
Global Learning - become member of multi-cultural club
Health & Wellness
Honors - attend honors club
Leadership - "Lunch & Learn"
SGA/Clubs - join a committee in club
Scholarship Applicant
Research - become involved with course research
Sophomore Spring
Meet with academic advisor
Entrance to Major
Link U.P. - Change of Location
Career Shadowing/Internships
Global Learning - Study Aboard - spring break
Health & Wellness - suicide prevention
Honors - member of honors program
Leadership - "Lunch & Learn"
Learning Center Tutor
SGA/Clubs - join a committee in club
Scholarship Applicant
Research - faculty research involvement
Junior Fall
Meet with academic advisor
Career - on-line self- marketing skills
Career Shadowing/Internships
Global Learning - Study Abroad
Health & Wellness - Health Matters for students
Honors Member
Leadership - "Linde Mentor"
SGA/Clubs - Club Officer position
Scholarship Applicant
Research - research involvement
Junior Spring
Meet with academic advisor
Career - Undergraduate Exhibition
Career Shadowing/Internships - part time jobs
Global Learning - Study Abroad
Health & Wellness - attend Cold & Flu prevention, cancer awareness
Honors Member
Leadership - "Linde Mentor"
SGA/Clubs -Club Officer position
Scholarship Applicant
Research - research involvement
Senior Fall
Meet with academic advisor
Career - Prepare for job fair/interviews
Career Shadowing/Internships - Complete academic internship
Global Learning - Global engagement
Health & Wellness - Stress management workshop
Leadership - "Linde Mentor"
SGA/Clubs - SGA officer position
Scholarship Applicant
PS Smart - On-line competency workshops
Research - National/Research conference
Senior Spring
Meet with academic advisor
Career - Attend job fair
Career Shadowing/Internships - Complete academic internship
Global Learning - Global Citizenship " Think Globally which acting Locally"
Health & Wellness
Leadership - "Linde Mentor"
SGA/Clubs - SGA officer position
Scholarship Applicant
PS Smart - Prepare for career
Research - Undergraduate National/Regional conference