Holen named chair-elect of Northeast Algal Society's Nominations Committee

Dr. Dale Holen in boat at state park

Dale Holen, associate professor of biology and the biology program coordinator at Penn State Scranton, collects water samples at Lacawac Sanctuary and Biological Field Station near Lake Wallenpaupack in the northern Poconos. Holen was recently named chair-elect of the Northeast Algal Society's Nominations Committee.

Credit: Penn State

DUNMORE, Pa. -- Dale Holen, associate professor of biology and biology program coordinator at Penn State Scranton, has been named the 2019 chair-elect of the Northeast Algal Society’s (NEAS) Nominations Committee.

As chair, he will be responsible for recruiting NEAS members to run for administrative posts within the group to replace those who have finished their terms. He also will be responsible for managing the society's elections. 

Holen has been involved in NEAS since 1994, the same year he began teaching at Penn State Scranton. In 2016, he co-organized an NEAS meeting that was held at Westfield University in Westfield, Massachusetts.

NEAS is an organization for professionals, faculty and students who are interested in phycology, the study of algae. It is dedicated to furthering phycological (algal) research and education in the northeastern United States and eastern Canada. Members work to encourage and promote the growth and development of phycology as a pure and applied phase of biological sciences and to promote the general welfare and good fellowship of phycologists and other biologists, particularly in the states and provinces of northeastern North America.

The group also holds yearly meetings where scientists can present their research and discuss their interest with like-minded people.

In February, Holen will travel to San Juan, Puerto Rico, to present a poster titled "Stomatocyst Morphotypye and Encystment Rates in Ochromonas Pinguis, A Mixotrophic Chrysophyte" at the 2019 conference of the Association for the Science of Limnology and Oceanography.