Trusha Patel and Joseph Krishanda were the recipients of the annual Chancellor's Service Award for Student Workers, which is awarded by Penn State Scranton Chancellor Marwan Wafa.
DUNMORE, Pa. — This year, two students were recognized at the campus' Spring Assembly for going above and beyond in their efforts as student workers at the campus.
Trusha Patel and Joseph Krishanda were the recipients of the annual Chancellor's Service Award for Student Workers, which is awarded by Penn State Scranton Chancellor Marwan Wafa. Typically, only one student is chosen for the award, but this year, the Chancellor's Office decided that both students were equally deserving and should be recognized.
Patel, a December graduate in information science and technology, with a minor in security risk analysis, was a work study student in the campus' Academic Affairs office, where staff members noted: "Trusha consistently goes above and beyond the expectations of her office duties. She will pivot and help in any way she can, even if it means personal adjustment to her time and abilities. She has repeatedly been asked to assist other departments or on projects that are not only outside of her responsibilities, but at times, also her comfort zone; projects which involve new tasks, new procedures and even new supervisors. And, if not asked, she volunteers herself, recognizing the need for someone to step up. Her kindness, volunteerism, skills, welcoming attitude and generous spirit have had positive and uplifting repercussions campus wide."
Krishanda, a senior biology major set to graduate this spring, is a work study student in the Student Services and Engagement office, where staffers say he is one of their most reliable and dependable student workers. "Joe is always there to lend a hand and then some. He will always do whatever you ask, and if he is not able, he will find a way to help you get it done regardless of the situation. He will also see things that need to be done and without having been asked, complete the task. Additionally, Joe has shown tremendous leadership by taking initiative with planning and executing all-inclusive and diverse events both on and off campus. He constantly brings new ideas and solutions and is always willing to jump in and help wherever and whenever help is needed."
Both Patel and Krishanda have also been involved in a multitude of extra-curricular activities in addition to their studies and work study responsibilities.
Patel served as president of the Indian Student Association (ISA), was an active member of the campus' Diversity Council, and participated in the Student Government Association (SGA) as a student senator for the IST major. In the campus' 2021 Undergraduate Research Fair and Exhibition, she was a co-winner of the University Libraries Undergraduate Research Award for Excellence in Information Literacy nad presented her project to the Penn State Scranton Advisory Award.
Krishanda is the current co-chair of the campus' THON Committee, having been heavily involved with THON during the entire time he has been attending the campus.