Security and Risk Analysis Minor

The minor in Security and Risk Analysis (SRA) is intended to familiarize students with the general frameworks and multidisciplinary theories that define the area of security and related risk analysis. Courses in the minor will engage students in the challenges and problems associated with assuring information confidentiality, availability, and integrity (e.g., social, economic, technology-related, and policy issues) as well as the strengths and weaknesses of various methods for assessing and mitigating associated risk in a student’s major field.

Courses for the SRA Minor:

Core Courses (9 credits):

  • SRA 111: Introduction to Security and Risk Analysis (GS) (3)
  • SRA 211: Threat of Terrorism and Crime (3)Prerequisite: SRA 111
  • SRA 221: Overview of Information Security (3)Prerequisite: SRA 111, IST 110, CMPSC 101

Additional Courses (12 credits): At least 6 credits must be at the 400 level

Select 3 credits from

  • IST 140: Introduction to Application Development (GQ) (3)
  • CMPSC 101: Introduction to C++ Programming (GQ) (3)

Select 3 credits from

  • IST 220: Networking and Telecommunications (3)
  • SRA 231: Decision Theory and Analysis(3)* Prerequisite: SRA 211, STAT 200

Select 6 credits from

  • IST 432: Legal and Regulatory Environment of IST(3)*Prerequisite: IST 301 or SRA 231 or equivalent
  • IST 451: Network Security (3)Prerequisite: IST 220, SRA 221
  • IST 452: Legal and Regulatory Environment of Privacy and Security (3)Prerequisite: IST 432
  • IST 453: Legal, Regulatory, and Policy Env. of Cyber forensics (3)Prerequisite: IST 110
  • IST 454: Computer and Cyber forensics (3)Prerequisite: IST 220, SRA 221
  • IST 456: Information Security Management (3)*Prerequisite: IST 220, SRA 221
  • SRA 421: The Intelligence Environment (3)*Prerequisite: SRA 111, SRA 211, SRA 231
  • SRA 468: Visual Analytics for Security Intelligence (3)*Prerequisite: IST 110, SRA 111
  • SRA 471: Informatics, Risk and the Post-Modern World (3)*Prerequisite: IST 110, SRA 231
  • SRA 480: Crisis Informatics (3)*Prerequisite: 5th semester standing (or later) or approval of program

* - Courses offered at other campuses or World Campus

Applying for the SRA Minor:

  • Students wishing to declare a minor must use UPDATE ACADEMICS through Lion-PATH.
  • Intent to pursue a minor may be declared after the student has achieved at least third semester classification (29.1 credits) or has been accepted into his/her major, but prior to the end of the late drop deadline of the student's final semester.
  • A grade of C or better is required for all courses in the minor.
  • At least six (6) credits of the minor must be unique from any other degree or minor earned by the student.

This minor could be combined with a baccalaureate degree in:

Contact Us

Dr. Debra Smarkusky, Associate Professor of Information Sciences and Technology
Phone: 570-963-2593