Now entering its seventh year, #GivingTuesday, the global movement to create an international day of giving at the start of the holidays, will take place Nov. 27 -- and Penn State Scranton will be participating, along with the University.
The campus is calling on its community of faculty, staff, students, parents, alumni, partners and friends to consider making a donation to Penn State Scranton, which will support the campus' Student Hardship Fund, also known as the Emergency Assistance Fund.
The Student Hardship Fund was established at the campus to help students who find themselves in unexpected dire financial situations beyond their control, such as the loss of a job, housing, illness or death.
"This fund has been crucial for those students who found themselves, through no fault of their own, in a situation where receiving these emergency funds made the difference between their being able to remain enrolled at the campus or having to leave, said Director of Development Christine Ostroski. "The Student Hardship Fund at Penn State Scranton is an essential tool for our campus to have in order to help students in need."
This year, Penn State will start #GivingTuesday a bit early — at 6:55 PM on November 26, 2018.