The Penn State Worthington Scranton Alumni Society recently presented campus chancellor, Dr. Marwan Wafa, with a check for $20,000, which will be used to fund a variety of campus initiatives. From left are: PSWS Alumni Society Vice President Carmen Caputo; Dr. Wafa; PSWS Alumni Society President Kathy Casarin; and PSWS Alumni Society Treasurer Renee Arledge.
The Penn State Worthington Scranton Alumni Society recently donated $20,000 to Penn State Worthington Scranton for a variety of initiatives aimed at helping students in need, as well as improving campus facilities and the student experience.
"We are very grateful to our campus alumni and the society members who work so hard throughout the year to raise money for our campus," Dr. Wafa said. "They do a terrific job in promoting our campus and academic programs to the local community and their efforts benefit all of the students who attend Penn State Worthington Scranton."
The money was raised through a variety of annual "fun-raisers" and fundraisers the society hosts each year including its annual golf tournament, Breakfast with the Nittany Lion, raffles and takeout dinner events.
Currently, the society has two upcoming events that are open to campus alumni and the general public -- Penn State Day at Knoebel's on May 20 and the annual PSWS Alumni Society/James Gallagher Golf Tournament on June 19.
Penn State Day at Knoebel's is an annual event in which several regional Penn State campuses particiapte.
Several ticket options are available. Attendees five years and older can get a ticket for $22, which includes lunch and a $10 food/ride ticket booklet. The cost for children age four and under is $12 and will include lunch and a $10 food/ride ticket. A “Penn State Lunch Only” ticket can be purchased for $12 and does not include a food/ride ticket booklet.
The deadline for reservations is May 1. No late registrations will be accepted. For more information or to register, contact Deb Johnson in the PSWS Alumni Office at 570-963-2537 or [email protected].
Alumni members are also soliciting golfers, hole sponsors and donations for its annual James D. Gallagher/PSWS Alumni Society Golf Tournament on June 19.
Golfers, sponsors and prize donors are needed to make the event a success, according to PSWS Alumni Society President Kathy Casarin. Information about fees, sponsorships and tournament details can be found at psualum.com/affiliate/wsas. Questions may be directed to Alumni Society members or by calling the Penn State Worthington Scranton Alumni Office at 570-963-2537.
The event is the organization's largest annual fundraiser and over the years has provided hundreds of thousands of dollars for student scholarships and special projects at the campus including nursing program facilities; upgraded classrooms and labs for the Science program; a Leadership Conference Room for students; a special team breakout room in the Business Building; a scoreboard for the new UGI Utilities Softball Field; the Nittany Lion sculpture at the campus entrance; and more.