Meghan Cruciani, associate director of academic advising at Penn State Scranton, is the campus' Employee of the Month for November.
Chancellor Marwan Wafa has announced that Meghan Cruciani, associate director of academic advising at Penn State Scranton, is the campus' Employee of the Month for November.
"Meghan has proven to be an essential part of the Penn State Scranton Campus community, and we commend her competence, demeanor, professionalism, and willingness to go above and beyond in support of the campus’s faculty, staff, and students," stated Chief Academic Officer Durell Johnson in nominating her.
"More recently, Meghan has done a phenomenal job with helping students navigate the various course options as course offerings changed and evolved in the time between the spring and fall semesters, Wafa continued. "One of her most notable recent accomplishments was to oversee the campus effort to deliver the first ever Virtual New Student Orientation program (which, notably, was her first NSO to manage at Penn State). She was able to navigate the complicated waters of PSU, as well as the unchartered challenges of delivering a fully remote orientation program, which included training and preparing advisers in an online environment, interpreting a complicated platform to assign incoming students to an NSO adviser, reviewing course selections and ensuring the success of new student registration."
"Meghan connected with the right staff at Student Orientation and Transitions Programs (SOTP), was decisive about how to adapt their suggestions to fit our campus, and was conscientious about communicating vital information to our faculty, staff and students to ensure a successful program, Wafa said. "Throughout this process, Meghan updated the Advising and Academic Affairs staff on the program changes and consistently checked in with her staff to ensure collaboration on these efforts. We note Meghan is an effective supervisor and an important member of the Academic Affairs staff. Meghan is the embodiment of a “welcoming campus”, and our students and campus community benefit greatly from her expertise in advising and student success.”
The Employee of the Month recognition was initiated in 2016 by Wafa as a way of distinguishing staff members who "go above and beyond the call of duty" in serving Penn State Scranton.
Campus staff, faculty and students are encouraged to nominate staff members that deserve to be recognized for “going above and beyond.” The link for nominations is: https://scranton.psu.edu/form/employee-month-nomination-form.
I encourage you to nominate a staff member that deserves to be recognized for “going above and beyond”. The link for nominations is: https://scranton.psu.edu/form/employee-month-nomination-form