DUNMORE, Pa. — Marwan Wafa, Penn State Scranton chancellor, has named Emily Glodzik, financial assistant in the campus' finance office, as the Employee of the Month for June.
Glodzik was nominated for the honor by A.J. Decker, assistant to the finance officer at Penn State Wilkes-Barre, who said: “The same day the state of Pennsylvania was closing down for COVID-19 and everyone was trying to quickly figure out how to work from home, the Wilkes-Barre campus was wishing farewell to our bursar. Emily had previously offered her services while we transitioned to a new bursar. What she didn’t know was that it would coincide with such a unique time in all our lives. This allotted her every opportunity to back out; after all, we were all frantically trying to maneuver the pressure of making this work — our job, our home, our family members, including children home all day, etc. How do you expect her to take on one more office? Well, if you know Emily, you know she did not blink, she graciously and without hesitation volunteered her assistance by answering my questions, helping me navigate LionPATH, and has been my life line to keeping our bursar’s office operating.
"By far my most appreciative action is that Emily has connected via jabber to both her Scranton phone line and Wilkes-Barre bursar’s phone line and is able to help both campus’ students — after all — 'We Are!' Thank you so much Emily!”
Kim Bogdan, financial officer at Penn State Scranton, wrote: “Emily took it upon herself to offer her help to Wilkes-Barre during a time when we were all just trying to figure out how all of this would work. It has made what could have been a real struggle such a smooth transition. Thank you Emily for helping both campuses through this very difficult time!”
The Employee of the Month recognition was initiated by Wafa as a way of distinguishing staff members who "go above and beyond the call of duty" in serving Penn State Scranton.
Nominations can be made at: https://scranton.psu.edu/form/employee-month-nomination-form.
Congratulations Emily!