Shelly Schick was surprised and brought to tears when it was announced at the 2016 Welcome Back Luncheon for staff and faculty that she was the inaugural recipient of the Employee of the Month honor for January.
The Employee of the Month is a new recognition award created by Dr. Marwan Wafa, PSWS chancellor, to distinguish staff members who "go above and beyond the call of duty" in serving Penn State Worthington Scranton. Nominations are made by the chancellor's Cabinet members. Schick was the first one at PSWS to receive the honor.
Schick was hired several years ago as a part-time cashier and food service worker in the campus' cafeteria, The View Cafe. She eventually worked her way up, becoming a full-time culinary worker and can be seen each day behind the counter, in her chef's coat, preparing food and refining the recipes for the various sandwiches, soups and entrees served in the cafeteria to hungry students, staff, faculty and visitors.
The decision to award the January 2016 Employee of the Month honor to Schick was based on the following testimonials to her caring attitude and dedication:
"Early last year, Shelly was hired full-time after working part-time for several years. With the change in personnel, everyone has noticed a more positive and collegial work environment in the food service area, which I think is attributed to Shelly's upbeat personality. This positive attitude coming from behind the line has had a tremendous impact on other co-workers and the campus community."
Another nominator said:
"Shelly has taken ownership of her role and strives not only to provide delicious meals and snacks to the campus community, but also in making the Café a welcoming environment. Shelly's sense of pride in her work, her positive "can do" attitude and work ethic has elevated the level of service provided by others in the Café. Shelly is always "rounding" in the department - making sure the area is clean and well stocked. She helps others with a smile, remembers you and calls you by name, and makes you glad you stopped by."
Schick's attention to deal and willingness to make dining at The View a great experience was also noted.
"She is always working above and beyond to please students, faculty and staff. Even as far as to answer questions regarding nutritional values, appetite interests and decorations in the cafeteria. She shows a constant caring attitude which comes across as being proud of her work in the cafeteria. In addition, Shelly as a parent of a nursing graduate, cares about the educational outcome of our students and her sense of bleeding blue and white is shown in her body language. First impressions are important when recruiting students during a tour or as a group of PAWS students and Shelly displaces the feeling of warmth and family atmosphere."
Congratulations Shelly!