Dr. Dale Holen, associate professor of biology at Penn State Worthington Scranton and science program co-coordinator, is co-convening this year's Northeast Algal Society's symposium at Westfield State University this weekend. This is the 55th annual NEAS symposium and the theme is Alternative Nutritional Strategies.
The NEAS is a regional phycological society that is dedicated to the furtherment of phycological (algal) research and education in the Northeastern United States and Eastern Canada. Its members work to encourage and promote the growth and development of phycology as a pure and applied phase of biological sciences and to promote the general welfare and good fellowship of phycologists and other biologists, particularly in the states and provinces of the geographical region of northeastern North America.
As part of his involvement with NEAS, Dr. Holen has given oral and poster presentations on his research to the organization, including: Chrysophyte Stomatocyst Production in Laboratory Culture and Descriptions of Seven Cyst Morphotypes; The Stomatocyst OF Ochromonas Sp.,(CHRYSOPHYCEAE, A Small Mixotrophic Alga; and Phagotrophy in the scaled chrysophyte Chrysolepidomonas dendrolepidota.