Beatriz Rivera-Barnes, Ph.D., assistant professor of Spanish at Penn State Worthington Scranton recently published Do Not Pass Go, an unconventional love story. The work, published by Arte Publico Press, University of Houston, is her fourth work of fiction, which includes a collection of short stories, and her third novel.
Dr. Rivera Barnes specializes in creating witty and capricious characters. She also authored Playing With Light, Midnight Sandwiches at the Mariposa Express and African Passions and Other Stories. Her Latinas deal with questions of identity and tradition in a startlingly funny yet thought-provoking way.
Dr. Rivera-Barnes earned her Ph.D. from the City University of New York Graduate Center. Her dissertation was entitled: Challenging the Canon: A History of Latina Literature Anthologies, 1980-2000.
She holds a pre-doctoral degree from the Universite' de Paris III - Sorbonne Nouvelle, and a masters degree in philosophy, teaching license and bachelor's degree from the University de Paris IV - Sorbonne.
Her current research deals with Afro-Hispanic studies and eco-criticism and ecofemimism. She has also researched Latino and women's studies, minor literatures, literary theory and studying what she considers to be successful bilingual cultures in Quebec province. She also makes comparisons with bilingual and bicultural cities in the Unites States.
She has taught Spanish and French language, literature and culture for nearly 20 years in college and universities including Fordham University, Borough of Manhattan Community College and Dutchess Community College. Dr. Rivera Barnes, novelist, short story author and poet, has presented her work at community events and professional conferences throughout the United States and abroad.