Dr. Alan R. Peslak, an associate professor of information science and technology at Penn State Worthington Scranton, was published recently in the International Journal of Information Technology Project Management (IJITPM).
This most recent article brings Dr. Peslak's published pieces to 50 peer-reviewed journal articles and 60 peer-reviewed articles (including ten other peer-reviewed conference proceedings).
The article, "Information Technology Project Management and Project Success," reviewed a survey of financial executives and examined their views on aspects of project management and success.
"One of the most important issues for organizations and information technology (IT) professionals is the success of information technology projects," Dr. Peslak said.
During his study, he found that organizations view overall systems development projects as successful. He then performed a series of analyses to assess several variables' impact on an IT project's success.
What he discovered is that the level of project success does not vary based on an organization's size. It was also found that keeping abreast of technology leads to higher IT project success and that skilled project measurement resulted in higher project success.
Conversely, restrictions on IT application development were found to correlate to lower IT project success. Finally, significant positive relationship was found between the IT project success and overall IT returns.
According to Dr. Peslak, this study can be used as a basis for further exploration on project management success, influencing variables and motivators. The findings can also be used to guide management teams in project management decisions to maximize returns to their organizations.
The paper studies a large secondary data sample set, which empirically reviews corporations' experiences with project management. In addition, it explores variables influencing overall project management success perception.
The contribution of this paper is a further understanding of IT project management, variables influencing it, and its relationship to overall IT success.
Dr. Peslak is an associate professor of information sciences and technology at Penn State Worthington Scranton. He joined the faculty in 2001 after 25 years of diverse manufacturing and service industry experience. He received his Ph.D. in Information Systems from Nova Southeastern University, Fort Lauderdale, Florida.
His research areas include information technology social, ethical, and economic issues, enterprise resource planning, information privacy, and information technology pedagogy. Publications include the Communications of the ACM, Information Resources Management Journal, Journal of Business Ethics, Journal of Computer Information Systems, Journal of Information Systems Education, Team Performance Management, Industrial Management and Data Systems, Journal of Electronic Commerce in Organizations, Information Research, and First Monday.
He also serves on the editorial boards of numerous journals and is president for the Educational Special Interest Group of the Association for Information Technology Professionals.