The Penn State Worthington Scranton Student Nursing Association (SNA) will be participating in this year's annual diabetes "Step Out Walk" and are looking for individuals to join their team, as well as donations.
Diabetes is a disease that affects over 27 million Americans. The Step Out Walk is an annual event organized by the American Diabetes Association, which funds research to prevent, cure and manage diabetes, delivers services to communities across the country and provides information about the disease to the general public.
This year's walk will take place on Sunday, October 28 in downtown Scranton.
Anyone interested in participating can do so by going to and clicking on Step Out Walk and registering. You can then search by zip code -- 18512, click on NEPA walk, then join the Penn State Nursing team by entering your information.
If you are unable to participate in this year's event, but still want to help a worthwhile cause, you can donate money to the Penn State Nursing Team. To do that, simply drop off your donation with either Mary Runco or Michael Evans in the campus' Nursing Suite, in the lower level of the library building.
Last year Worthington Scranton's SNA raised over $1,000 for the cause and are hoping to do even better this year. They are asking that the campus community help them in their efforts.
For more information, contact Mike Evans, PSWS nursing instructor at [email protected].