Penn State ranked No. 1 for career services

Penn State University has been named No. 1 for career services by this year's Princeton Review. The annual publication ranks colleges and universities across the country in a variety of areas.

Penn State received the top career services ranking for its 40-member career services staff and its widespread alumni network, called The Nittany Network, which alumni can use as a resource post-graduation and take advantage of as they enter the workforce.

Any Penn State student or alumnus can access and take advantage of these services, and most of the University's Commonwealth Campuses also offer career services to their students.

At Worthington Scranton, the career services office is located in The David and Ann Hawk Student Success Center in the campus' Study Learning Center.

Students and soon-to-be graduates can make an appointment with Career Services Coordinator Jonathan Tobin to discuss internship and mentoring opportunities, resume writing, and job interview skills to prepare for attaining a professional position once they graduate. He can be reached by calling 963-2684 or via email at [email protected].

To see the segment on the Today Show on the Princeton Review rankings, go to: