"This new youth program is a great addition to the STEM-related (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) programs we offer every summer," said Continuing Education Director John Drake. "Our summer camps, especially some of our newer science- and technology-based programs, have been so well-received that we decided to start offering programming on Saturdays during the school year."
There seems to be a new, growing interest among children in the Medieval era of castles, knights, dragons and princesses. The two courses being offered, "Fun with Catapults" and "Creating Time Devices", are designed to provide fun, while teaching some basic engineering and science skills.
"We have found that this combination has worked exceedingly well in our summer camps," Mr. Drake explained, especially with our Space, Legotm Engineering, Digital Animations, K'Nextm Bridge Building, Robotics, Rocketry, and Wizards & Cauldrons camps.
The Medieval Science workshops are being held on May 10 and 17. Summer camps are being held in July and August. Call our Continuing Education office at 570-963-2600 for more details or visit http://www.sn.psu.edu/CE/13790.htm for a full listing of summer youth programs and camps being offered by our Continuing Education department.