Each year, Penn State Worthington Scranton honors those individuals from its staff, faculty and student body who have enriched the academic fabric of the campus with special awards that recognize their accomplishments in select disciplines and/or student leadership and service. These awards are given at the campus' Annual Honors Convocation held each May.
The 2014 student awards and recipients are:
The Christopher Sturchio Honors Program Service Award, presented to a member of the Schreyer Scholars and Campus Honors Program for outstanding service on behalf of the program: Autumn Speckhardt.
The Richard F. Dempsey Award in Information Sciences and Technology, which recognizes outstanding academic achievement by an undergraduate student enrolled in the Information Sciences and Technology (IST) degree program at Penn State Worthington Scranton: Bhavin Patel.
The Michael and Stephanie Evans Nursing Grant, assists nursing students with a GPA of 3.0 or higher who have a demonstrated financial need; funds are directed to costs associated with the Assessment Technology Institute testing requirement for these nursing students: Ashley Kocher.
The Walter Weber Memorial Award in Theater and Speech Communications, recognizes an outstanding student with a 3.0 GPA or higher who has excelled in theater or speech communications courses: Daniel DeLeo
President's Freshman Awards: Amber Delhagen, Harmony Ferrick, Himanshi Patel, Miranda Reaser, Kiersten Reinhart, Erica Sidorowicz, Rachel Stahl, and Philip Szostak.
President Sparks Award: Ian Kopack, Kristena Laluga, and Mari Quinn.
Outstanding Scholar Awards: Second year recipients -- Kristena Laluga, Ian Kopack, and Mari Quinn; Third year recipient -- Glenn Owens; Fourth year recipient -- Katherine Liotta.
Academic Excellence Awards: Renee Deacon, biological sciences; Cheyanne Miller, business; Tara Marta, creative writing; Zachary Zagursky, education; Ian Kopack, engineering; Autumn Speckhardt, English composition; Katherine Liotta, human development and family studies; Doaa Atamna, humanities; Sean Hafferty, information sciences and technology; Shuaihao Yu, mathematics; Kara MacClean, music; Kelly Kilcoyne, nursing; Shuaihao Yu, physical sciences; Jordan Aebli, psychology; and Kayla Sposto, speech communication.
Honors Program certificates: First year -- Bryanna Burnside, Davendra Chatterpaul, Frank Esposito, Kimberly Gaik, Elysia Heil, Kristena Laluga, Miranda Reaser, Kristina Russo, Victoria Sheridan, and Shuaihao Yu. Second year -- Marcus Lemoncelli, Glenn Owens, and Bhavin Patel; Third year -- Renee Deacon; and Fourth year -- Autumn Speckhardt.
The 2014 staff and faculty awards and recipients are:
David and Joyce Mack Tressler Fund for Professional Development, provides money for staff/faculty to take part in professional development initiatives and opportunities: Director of Enrollment Management Sandra J. Feather and Dr. Michelle Schutt, Director of Student Services.
K. Bruce Sherbine Penn State Proud Award, recognizes a member of the campus community whose demonstrated qualities of leadership, scholarship and citizenship have been directed into programs and services on campus or in the community that have positively influenced students and employees and have contributed to the prestige and well-being of Penn State: Suzanne Morgan, administrative support assistant, Academic Affairs.
Award for Excellence in Administrative Service, recognizes campus administration/managers for innovative and creative program development: Director of Continuing Education John Drake and Dr. Kelley Wagers, associate professor of English, for their work as co-chairs of Penn State Worthington Scranton's 2014-19 Strategic Planning Committee.
Award for Excellence in Support Services, recognizes staff assistants/technical services employees for their contributions to the teaching-learning climate of the campus: Sue Safko, administrative staff assistant, Academic Affairs.
Gertrude Hawk Chocolates Service Award, honors a faculty or staff member whose contributions have benefitted the day-to-day activities of the students, campus and community: Sara Rinkunas, administrative support assistant, Athletics.
Dr. Richard J. and Sally Matthews Award for Scholarly Activity, awarded to a deserving faculty member in recognition of his/her scholarly and research activities: Dr. Alan Peslak, professor of IST.
Advisory Board Award for Teaching, recognizes a faculty member who has demonstrated innovative and dedicated teaching techniques in his/her academic endeavors: Dr. Majid Chatsaz, assistant professor of engineering.