New adjunct faculty had the opportunity to meet and network with their peers at this year's third annual Meet and Greet, held at the start of this semester.
The event is held each year to offer part-time faculty at PSWS an opportunity to learn more about campus resources available to them through the campus and the University, while also getting the chance to meet other adjunct and full-time faculty members in both their own discipline, as well as other campus disciplines.
Chancellor Marwan Wafa, along with Interim Chief Academic Officer Durell Johnson and Assistant Chief Academic Officer Mike Evans were in attendance, along with program coordinators, full-time faculty and representatives from the campus bookstore, Learning Center, Instructional Design and Technology, Library, University Relations, and other areas on campus.
Instructional Designer Griff Lewis of the campus' IT Department gave an informational presentation on Box, a secure content management and file-sharing system used at PSU.
The event is organized and hosted by Academic Affairs.
In the photo, above right, are, seated left to right: Susan Decker, Jayne Klenner, Emily Dennison, Margo Coleman and Kristin Levandoski.
Second row, standing, from left: Richard Beasley, MariPat O'Donnell, Darren Winslow, P. Doug Sellers, Michael Evans, Gary Edstrom, William Borer, Anita Guzek, Marshall Davis, Josh McAuliffe, Bradford Foley and John Petrewski.
Part-time faculty who also attended the Meet & Greet but not in the photo were: Thomas Eveland, Corinne Nulton and Elaine O'Donnell.