Assistant Dean for Undergraduate Nursing Education at the Commonwealth Campuses for the Ross and Carol Nese College of Nursing, Nursing
Teaching Professor, Nursing
Dawson Building, 017
Penn State Scranton
120 Ridge View Drive
Dunmore, PA 18512
120 Ridge View Drive
Dunmore, PA 18512

- Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society
- Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing (Xi Gamma & Beta Sigma
- Chapters)
- National Association of Clinical Nurse Specialists
- Academy of Medical Surgical Nurses
- American Nurses Association
- American Heart Association
- American Diabetes Association
- National League for Nursing
- Men’s Health Network: Member of Advisory Board
- Penn State Worthington Scranton Alumni Society
- National Academic Advising Association (Region 2)
- Pennsylvania Action Coalition Northeast 1 Region
- Eastern Nursing Research Society
- Pennsylvania League for Nursing Area II
- National Consortium for Building Healthy Academic Communities
- Registered Nurse
- Chemotherapy through the ONS
- Vascular Access Devices
- Medical Surgical Nursing (CMSRN through MSNCB)
- Basic Life Support (AHA)
- Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS, AHA)
- Nursing Education (CNE through NLN)
- End-of-Life Care (ELNEC)
Heart Failure; Diabetes; The Nursing Profession; End-Of-Life Care; Nursing Education
Research Interests
- Somatic Awareness and Self-Symptom Recognition in Advanced Heart Failure Patients
- Innovative Teaching Techniques in Nursing Education
- Desanto, L., Evans, M., Kowalchik, K., Adams, L., Lucey, M., & Robinson, C. (In press). Introducing palliative care into the treatment of a person with recurrent cancer. Nursing Made Incredibly Easy! **
- Lucey, M., Evans, M., Riley, K., Kowalchik, K., Adams, L., & DeSanto, L. (November/December, 2021). The nurse’s role in the care of patients with cellulitis. Nursing Made Incredibly Easy!, 19(6), 30-37. **
- Adams, L., Evans, M., Riley, K., Kowalchik, K., Lucey, M., & DeSanto, L. (July/August, 2021). The role of the nurse in the treatment of persons living with Lyme disease. Nursing Made Incredibly Easy!, 19(4), 38-45. **
- Petren, R., Evans, M., Barnett, K., & Kowalchik, K. (May/June, 2021). Relational turning points in spousal relationships during the journey with cancer. MEDSURG Nursing, 30(3), 187-196 **
- Riley, K., Evans, M., Kowalchik, K., Adams, L., & Lucey, M. (November/December, 2020). Sickle cell anemia: Best practices for patient-centered care. Nursing Made Incredibly Easy!, 18(6), 26-33. **
- Evans, M. (May 13, 2020). The world came to a halt. Penn State – Viral Imaginations – COVID -19.…
- Evans, M., Kowalchik, K., Riley, K., & Adams, L. (2020). Developing nurses through mentoring. It starts in nursing education. Nursing Clinics of North America: Building Innovative Nurses at the Point of Care, 55(1), 61-69. **
- Riley, K., Evans, M., Kowalchik, K., Adams, L, & Hunting, A. (November/December, 2019). The role of the medical-surgical nurse in the identification of elder abuse. MedSurg Matters, 28(6), 4-7. **
- Riley, K., Evans, M., Sellers, D., Machluf, K., & Hupcey, J. (2019). Impact of an educational intervention on organ donation attitudes in college-aged students. Journal of Death & Dying, 0(0), 1-10. **
- Kowalchik, K., Evans, M., Riley, K., & Baker, T. (July/August, 2019). Caring for a patient with a small bowel obstruction complicated by functional somatic syndromes. MedSurg Matters, 28(4), 4-7. **
- Riley, K., Evans, M., Worozbyt, K., & Kowalchik, K. (March/April 2019). Caring for an opioid addicted patient in a medical surgical setting: Best practice recommendations. MedSurg Matters, 28(2), 4-7. **
- Evans, M., Hupcey, J., Kitko, L., & Johnson, H.D. (March/April, 2019). Frequency and severity of reported symptoms for patients living with stage D heart failure. MedSurg Matters, 28(2), 4-7. **
- Evans, M., Worozbyt, K., Riley, K., & Kowalchik, K. (September/October, 2018). Caring for a patient with pneumonia and schizophrenia in a medical-surgical setting. MedSurg Matters, 27(5), 4-7. **
- Miner, M., Evans, M., & Riley, K. (January/February, 2018). Using transitional care to improve the discharge process in a medical/surgical setting. Medsurg Matters, 27(1), 1-3, 13. **
- Evans, M., Ferguson, J., Harrison, G., Shaffer, A., Miner, M., & Riley, K. (January/February, 2018). End-of-Life care in a medical/surgical setting. MedSurg Matters, 27(1). 4-6. **
- Evans, M., Hupcey, J., Kitko, L, & Alonso, W. (2018). Naïve expectations to resignation: A comparison of life descriptions of newly diagnosed versus chronic persons living with stage D heart failure. Journal of Patient Experience, 5(3), 219-224. DOI: 10.1177/2374373517750412**
- Chu, R. & Evans, M. (November, December, 2016). Lateral violence in nursing. MedSurg Matters, 25(6), 4-6. **
- Lucas, E., Lucas, G., Shaffer, A., & Evans, M. (November/December, 2016). Thyrotoxicosis - A case study describing the standards of care. MedSurg Matters, 25(6), 10-13. **
- Evans, M., Miner, M., Harrison, G., Ferguson, J., Miller, A., & Favuzza, A. (September/October, 2016). Ischemic stroke-A case study describing the standards of care. MedSurg Matters, 25(5), 13-16. **
- Evans, M. (September/October, 2016). Symptom recognition and healthcare utilization in adult heart failure patients: An integrative review. MEDSURG Nursing, 25(5), 319-323, 368. **
- Harrison, G., Evans, M., Shaffer, A., Romero, L. (July/August, 2016). Treating a patient experiencing an acute exacerbation of chronic heart failure. MedSurg Matters, 25(4), 8-10. **
- Evans, M., Miller, A., Favuzza, A., Stombaugh, N., Harrison, G. & Shaffer, A. (May/June, 2016). Diabetic ketoacidosis – A case study describing standards of care. MedSurg Matters, 25(3), 8-10. **
- Evans, M., Curtin, M., Stombaugh, N. (November/December, 2015). Severe Crohn’s Disease: A case study describing standards of care. MedSurg Matters 24(6), 1-11-12. **
- Evans, M. (2015). Faculty mentoring – Is it needed? Journal of Nursing Doctoral Students Scholarship, 3, 7-10. **
- Evans, M. & Curtin, M. (November/December, 2014). Acute appendicitis: A case study describing standards of care. MedSurg Matters, 23(6), 2. **
- Evans, M. (September/October 2014). Bedside reporting: Is it enhancing nursing care? MedSurg Matters, 22(5), 3. **
- Evans, M., Evans, M., & Saleski, V. (September/October, 2014). Collaborative learning: An opportunity for professional growth of the student nurse while caring for local community residents. MedSurg Matters, 23(5), 9-10. **
- DelPrete, J. & Evans, M. (September/October 2013). Peripheral IV site care: What the Evidence Shows. MedSurg Matters, 22(5), 4-6. **
- Lyons, T. & Evans, M. (2013). Blended learning to increase student satisfaction: An exploratory study. Internet Reference Services Quarterly, 18,1, 43-53. DOI:10.1080/10875301.2013.800626 **
- Evans, M. (May/June 2013). Clinical competence in the nursing field. MedSurg Matters, 22(3),12. **
- Evans, M. (March/April 2013). Using asynchronous discussion forums for clinical post-conferences. MedSurg Matters, 22(13), 17. **
- Evans, M. & Lyons, T. (January/February 2013). Using asynchronous discussion boards in collaborative learning. MedSurg Matters, 22(1), 18-19. **
- Lyons, T. & Evans, M. (2012). Digital storytelling: Ubiquitous learning via multimedia technology in the learning management system. "The Proceedings of the Ireland International Conference on Education - IICE-2012. (2 pp.). Dublin, Ireland. **
- Evans, M. & Lyons, T. (2012, July 17). SITE stories: Increasing student outcomes in nursing research. Blog Entry on the Schreyer Institute for Teaching Excellence [Web blog message]. Retrieved from…
- Evans, M. & Tulaney, T. (April, 2012). Urinary tract infections in older adults. Nursing 2012, (42)4, 72. **
- Evans, M. (November/December, 2011). Student written quiz questions: An active teaching-learning strategy to enhance medical surgical nursing students engagement, MedSurg Matters, 20(6) 10-11. **
- Evans, M. & Tulaney, T. (November/December, 2011). Nurse Migration. What is its impact? MEDSURG Nursing, The Journal of Adult Health, 20(6), 333-336. **
- Evans, M. (November/December, 2010). An evidence based practice protocol to improve glucose control in individuals with type 2 diabetes mellitus. MEDSURG Nursing, The Journal of Adult Health, 19(6), 317-322. **
- Evans, M. (November/December, 2009). Solutions to the nurse faculty shortage: A response to the AACN. MEDSURG Nursing, The Journal of Adult Health, 18(6), 387-388. **
- Evans, M., Evans, M., Franklin, A., Lashinski, K. (November, 2009). Clinical do’s and don’ts of an adult objective abdominal assessment. Nursing 2009, 12. **
- Evans, M. (2009) What it is like to be a nurse. In Mary Muscari. Becoming a Nurse. New York: Learning Express, LCC.
- PhD in Nursing, The Pennsylvania State University; 2013-2016
Dissertation Title: “Somatic Awareness and Self-Symptom Recognition in Advanced Heart Failure Patients” - Master of Science in Education with a Specialization in Professional Studies, Capella University; 2010-2012
Capstone Project: “A Guide to Nurse Faculty Mentoring” - Master of Science in Nursing with a Specialization in Adult Heath and a Sub-Specialization in Nursing Education, Misericordia University; 2004-2008
Synthesis Project: “An Evidence Based Practice Project to Improve Glucose Control in Individuals with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus” - Bachelor of Science in Nursing, The Pennsylvania State University; 2002-2003
- Associate of Science in Nursing, The Pennsylvania State University; 1999-2002
- Foundations for Online Teaching Certificate, The Pennsylvania State University; 2012-2013
- Instructional Practice Certificate; 2017-2018
Completed supplemental courses; 2018-Present
- OL 3000: Supporting Accessibility For Online Learners
- OL 3100: Teaching the Adult Learner
- OL 3200: Serving The Military and Veteran Student
- OL 3800: Excellence in Academic Advising
- OL 3825: Excellence in Advising: Under-Resourced Students
Papers and Presentations
- Slattery, M., Dunn, M., Andel, N., Hillman, J., Robicheaux, T., Adam, M., Coleman, K., Nelson, M., Humphrey, J., Evans, M. (November 17-19, 2021). Developing an Integrative Prior Learning Assessment Rubric and Assignment for RN to BSN Adult Learners. The Council for Adult and Experiential Learning (CAEL) 2021 Hybrid Conference (Virtual). **
- Worozbyt, K., Chard, R., Evans, M. M., Lucas, E. (September 24, 2021). The Lived Experiences of Registered Nurses who Encounter a Workplace Violence Event and Return to Work Afterwards. Poster presentation at the Pennsylvania State Nurses Association (PSNA) Safety in Nursing Summit (Virtual). **
- Riley, K. & Evans, M. (September 23, 2021). Stories from Nurses on the Front Lines of the COVID-19 Pandemic. Podium presentation at The CGNE Seminar Series (Virtual).
- Kustenbauder, P., Evans, M., & Boltz, M. (August 11-12, 2021). Implementation of a Compassion-based Communication Skills Program for Medical Surgical/Oncology Nurses. Poster presentation at the 2021 Fourteenth National Doctors of Nursing Practice Conference: The DNP and Quality Improvement, Chicago, IL. **
- Evans, M. (WPSU Penn State) 2021, June 8. Health Minute – Men’s Health [Audio Presentation].
Retrieved from - Adams, L., Riley, K., Evans, M., Kowalchik, K., & Hunting, A. (April 9, 2021). The Role of the Nurse in the Identification of Elder Abuse. Poster presentation at Beta Sigma Research Day (Virtual) **
- DeSanto, L., Adams, L., Evans, M., Riley, K., Kowalchik, K., & Lucey, M. (April 9, 2021). The Role of the Nurse in the Treatment of Persons Impacted by Lyme Disease. Poster presentation at Beta Sigma Research Day (Virtual) **
- Kustenbauder, P., Boltz, M. & Evans, M. (April 9, 2021). Implementation of a Compassion-Based Communication Skills Program for Medical-Surgical/Oncology Nurses. Poster presentation at Beta Sigma Research Day (Virtual) **
- Lucey, M. Riley, K., Evans, M., Kowalchik, K., & Adams, L. (April 9, 2021). The Role of the Medical-Surgical Nurse in the Treatment of Persons Living with Sickle Cell Anemia. Poster presentation at Beta Sigma Research Day (Virtual) **
- Streiff, K., Evans, M., Stiller, C. (December 7-9, 2020). Hands on, hands off, Teaching Physical Assessment in an Interactive Virtual Environment. Poster presentation at the AACN Faculty Forum Conference (Virtual) **
- Evans, M. (November 12, 2020). Reimagining Health Assessment in a Virtual Environment. [Video Presentation]. Schreyer Institute Faculty to Faculty Video Project.
- Evans, M., Pierce, C., Swartz, A., Streiff, K., & Evans, Milton (October 1, 2020). Successful Implementation of an Academic Success Plan in Nursing Education. Podium presentation at the 2020 Division of Undergraduate Studies (DUS) Conference (Virtual). **
- Evans, M. (WPSU Penn State) 2020, September 29. Health Minute – Diabetes [Audio Presentation].
Retrieved from - Kustenbauder, P., Pierce, C., Layman, M., Stoy, D., Ward, L., Kertis, M., Bowman, C., Evans, Milton, Streiff, K., Swartz, A. & Evans, Michael (August 6-8, 2020). Enhancing Student Retention in Nursing Education: The Impact of an Academic Success Program. Poster presentation at the 12th Annual NurseTim Nuts and Bolts Conference (Virutal) **
- Evans, M. & Adams, L. (October 5, 2019). The many benefits of nursing. Podium presentation at Futures: A Lackawanna County Career Exploration & Discovery Conference for High School Students at Johnson College, Scranton, PA.
- Kowalchik, K. Evans, M., Riley, K., & Worozybt, K. (September 27, 2019). Caring for opioid addicted patient in a medical-surgical setting: Best practice recommendations. Poster presentation at PSNA Safety in Nursing Summit, Tannersville, PA. **
- Evans, M., Blasi-Strubeck, A., & Lewis, G. (August 15, 2019). Using swivl as a teaching tool in nursing education. Podium presentation at the 3rd Annual tecBRIDGE Innovation Conference on Smart Machines and Materials, Scranton, PA.
- Evans, M., Kowalchik, K., Lindemuth, M., Pieshefski, N., & Adams, L. (August 7, 2019). The impact of exercise on healthy aging. Podium presentation at Visiting Nurses Association of Lackawanna County Community Health Fair, Olyphant, PA.
- Evans, M., Kowalchik, K., Riley, K. & Johnson, H.D. (May 10, 2019). An interventional study to enhance community members’ knowledge regarding palliative care. Podium presentation at Translating Research to Innovations in Practice, State College, PA. **
- Riley, K., Evans, M., Ferguson, J., Harrison, G., Shaffer, A., Miner, M., & Favuzza, A. (May 10, 2019). End-of-Life Care in a Medical/Surgical Setting. Podium presentation at Translating Research to Innovations in Practice, State College, PA. **
- Evans, M., Blasi-Strubeck, A., & Lewis, G. (May 9, 2019). Using swivl as a teaching tool in nursing education. Podium presentation at the 2019 Beta Sigma Research Day: Moving the Art and Science of Nursing forward in State College, PA. **
- Riley, K., Evans, M., Worozbyt, K., & Kowalchik, K. (May 9, 2019). Caring for an opioid addicted patient in a medical-surgical setting: Best practice recommendations. Poster presentation at the 2019 Beta Sigma Research Day: Moving the Art and Science of Nursing forward in State College, PA. **
- Kowalchik, K., Evans, M., Riley, K., & Baker, T. (May 2, 2019). Best practices for caring for a patient with functional somatic syndromes in a medical surgical setting. Poster presentation at the Annual University Park Medical Campus Regional Symposium in State College, PA. **
- Kowalchik, K., Evans, M., & Riley, K. (April 10, 2019). Community members’ perceptions of palliative care – An interventional study. Podium presentation at Penn State Wilke-Barre Lecture Series in Wilkes-Barre, PA.
- Evans, M., Riley, K., & Lewis, G. (March 15, 2019). Student perceptions of learning with canvas. Podium presentation at Canvas Day in State College, PA *
- Kowalchik, K., Evans, M., & Riley, K. (October 11, 2018). Palliative care: Myths vs realities. Podium presentation at Visiting Nurses Association of Lackawanna County Dine and Learn Event in Olyphant, PA.
- Kowalchik, K., Evans, M., & Riley, K. (September 12, 2018). Community members’ perception of palliative care – An interventional study. Podium presentation at the annual fall meeting of the Xi Gamma Chapter of Sigma Theta Tau International in Scranton, PA.
- Kowalchik, K., Evans, M., & Riley, K. (July 19, 2018). Palliative care: Myths vs realities. Podium presentation at Visiting Nurses Association of Lackawanna County Lunch and Learn Event in Olyphant, PA.
- Reynolds, K., Petren, R., & Evans, M. (May 11, 2018). Relational turning points between cancer patients and their spouses. Podium presentation at at the Second Annual Nursing Research and Evidence-Based Practice Symposium: Translating Research to Innovations in Practice in Hershey, PA. **
- Evans, M., Hill, N., Mogle, J., Kitt-Lewis, E., Adam, M., & Penrod, J. (May 11, 2018). Social determinants of health in the community – Establishing the community-based research network: The growth of the nurse-facilitated community coalitions. Podium presentation at the Second Annual Nursing Research and Evidence-Based Practice Symposium: Translating Research to Innovations in Practice in Hershey, PA. **
- Riley, K., Evans, M., Sellers, D., & Machluf, K. (April 5-18, 2018). Impact of an educational intervention on college-aged students attitudes towards organ donation. Virtual poster presentation at Sigma Theta Tau International Beta Sigma Research Week. **
- Fitzgerald, P., Jao, Y. L., Lauver, L., Evans, M., & Wolgast, K. (April 11, 2018). Moral distress matters: Implementing an online moral distress education program to reduce moral distress in critical care nurses. Poster presentation at Eastern Nursing Research Society 30th Annual Scientific Sessions in Newark, NJ. **
- Evans, M., Hupcey, J., Kitko, L., & Johnson, H. D. (April 5-18, 2018). Frequency and severity of reported symptoms in persons living with stage D heart failure. Virtual podium presentation at Sigma Theta Tau International Beta Sigma Research Week. **
- Murphey, J., Moyer, S., Doerzbacher, M., Evans, M., Ramos, S. R., & Founds, S. (April 11, 2018). “On the places you’ll go…” Adventures of Early Career Nursing Scientists. Panel discussion at Eastern Nursing Research Society 30th Annual Scientific Sessions in Newark, NJ. **
- Evans, M., Hupcey, J., Kitko, L., & Johnson, H. D. (April 12, 2018). Frequency and severity of reported symptoms in persons living with stage D heart failure. Poster presentation at Eastern Nursing Research Society 30th Annual Scientific Sessions in Newark, NJ. **
- Riley, K., Evans, M., Sellers, D., & Machluf, K. (March 21, 2018). Impact of an educational intervention on college-aged students attitudes towards organ donation. Podium presentation at Penn State Worthington Scranton’s Lunch & Learn series.
- Reynolds, K., Peteren, R. & Evans, M. (March 21, 2018). Relational turning points in spousal relationships as they journey through cancer. Podium presentation at Penn State Worthington Scranton’s Lunch & Learn series.
- Evans, M. (November 4, 2017). Lessons learned along the way. Podium presentation at the Sigma Theta Tau International, Beta Sigma Chapter, Induction Ceremony. Invited – Keynote Speaker.
- Hill, N., Evans, M., Mogle, J., Kitt-Lewis, E., Adam, M., & Penrod, J. (October 31, 2017 – November 2, 2017). Establishing the community-based research network: The growth of nurse-facilitated community coalitions. Poster presentation at PCORI Annual Meeting: Delivering Results, Informing Choices in Arlington, VA. **
- Reynolds, K., Evans, M. & Petren, R. (October 20, 2017). Turning points in relationships between cancer patients and their spouses. Podium presentation at Greater Pittsburgh Nursing Research Conference in Pittsburgh, PA. **
- Evans, M., Hupcey, J., Kitko, & Johnson, H.D. (October 20, 2017). Frequency and severity of reported symptoms for persons living with Stage D heart failure. Poster presentation at Greater Pittsburgh Nursing Research Conference in Pittsburgh, PA. **
- Kowalchik, K. & Evans, M. (October 20, 2017). The benefits of breastfeeding in neonates with neonatal abstinence syndrome. Poster presentation at Greater Pittsburgh Nursing Research Conference in Pittsburgh, PA. **
- Riley, K. & Evans, M. (October 20, 2017). Effects of education on organ donation in a high school setting. Poster presentation at Greater Pittsburgh Nursing Research Conference in Pittsburgh, PA. **
- Kowalchik, K. & Evans, M. (September 26, 2017). The importance of pre-professional engagement towards the socialization of the nursing student in the nursing profession. Podium presentation at Penn State Worthington Scranton’s Lunch & Learn series in Dunmore, PA.
- Evans, M., Ferguson, J., Thomas, L. & Thomas, L. (September 24, 2017). Let’s fight the opioid epidemic by saving one life at a time (An interdisciplinary approach). Panel Discussion at The Christopher P. Lewis Memorial Drug & Alcohol Awareness Symposium in Olyphant, PA.
- Evans, M. (August 4-5, 2017). Faculty mentoring – Is it needed? Poster presentation at Nurse Tim Nuts & Bolts for Nurse Educators Conference in Minneapolis, MN. **
- Evans, M. (May 23, 2017). The importance and value of good research ethics. Podium presentation at Establishing Community-Based Research Networks: Community-Based Research: What Community Partners Should Know in State College, PA.
- McAndrew, L., Volpe, D., Ferguson, J., Evans, M., Baker, T., & Evans, M. (April 7, 2017). Teaching emergency preparedness: Using large scale simulation to enhance disaster nursing education. Paper presentation at Eastern Nursing Research Society 29th Annual Scientific Sessions in Philadelphia, PA. **
- Evans, M., Hupcey, J., & Kitko, L. (April 3-17, 2017). Concept analysis: Self-symptom recognition. Virtual podium presentation at Sigma Theta Tau International Beta Sigma Research Week. **
- Riley, K., Evans, M., Ferguson, J., Harrison, G., Miner, M., Favuzza, A., & Shaffer, A. (April 3-17, 2017). End-of-life care in a medical/surgical setting. Virtual podium presentation at Sigma Theta Tau International Beta Sigma Research Week. **
- Evans, M., Riley, K., & Kowalchik, K. (March 23, 2017). Hospice and palliative care: What’s the difference and when are they needed? Podium presentation at Visiting Nurses Association quarterly community education event in Olyphant, PA.
- Riley, K., Evans, M., Ferguson, J. Harrison, G. Miner, M., Favuzza, A., & Shaffer, A. (March 22, 2017). End-of-life care in a Medical/Surgical Setting. Podium presentation at Penn State Worthington Scranton’s Lunch & Learn series.
- Riley, K., Evans, M., Ferguson, J. Harrison, G. Miner, M., Favuzza, A & Shaffer, A. (January 26, 2017). Providing End-of-Life Care in a Medical/Surgical Setting: Best Practice Recommendations. Poster presentation at the Perspective in Nursing and Healthcare 2017 at Geisinger Medical Center, Danville, PA. **
- Evans, M. (January 5, 2017). Canvas: Successes, Favorite Features, & Challenges During the Faculty Chat: Using Canvas to Enhance your Teaching. Podium presentation at the 3rd Annual Penn State Regional Faculty Development Day at Penn State Worthington Scranton, Dunmore, PA.
- Evans, M. (December 7, 2016). Sugar Spikes. Podium presentation at Visiting Nurses Association quarterly community education event in Olyphant, PA.
- McAndrew, L., Volpe, D., Ferguson, J., Baker, T., Evans, M. & Evans, M. (November 4, 2016). Teaching Emergency Preparedness: Preparing Nursing Students for a Real-Life Disaster through Simulation. Podium presentation at Nursing Research and Evidence Based Practice – The Key to Quality Patient Care at Geisinger Medical Center, Danville, PA. **
- Evans, M., Hupcey, J., Kitko, L., Milone-Nuzzo, & Johnson, H. D. (November 4, 2016). Newly-Diagnosed versus Chronic Stage D Heart Failure Patients: Who Exhibits More Symptoms? Podium presentation at Nursing Research and Evidence Based Practice – The Key to Quality Patient Care at Geisinger Medical Center, Danville, PA. **
- McAndrew, L., Evans, M., Volpe, D., Baker, T., & Evans, M. (October 28, 2016). Teaching Emergency Preparedness. Poster presentation at Greater Pittsburgh Nursing Research Conference at Carlow University, Pittsburgh, PA. **
- Evans, M. (October 18, 2016). Establishing Community Based Networks. Podium presentation at “Don’t Let Me Suffer Doc! Ethics of Palliative Care” sponsored by Visiting Nurse Association of Lackawanna County at Marywood University, Dunmore, PA.
- Evans, M. (September 29, 2016). Heart Failure. Podium presentation to nurses at St Mary’s Villa Retirement Community and Rehabilitation Facility.
- Evans, M. Hupcey, J., Kitko, L., Milone-Nuzzo, Hinchey, P, & Johnson, H. D. (September 27, 2016). Newly-Diagnosed vs. Chronic Stage D Heart Failure Patients: Who Exhibits More Symptoms. Podium presentation at Penn State Worthington Scranton’s Lunch & Learn series.
- Evans, M., Hupcey, J., Kitko, L., Milone-Nuzzo, P., & Johnson, H. D. (September 16, 2016). Somatic Awareness & Self-Symptom Recognition in Advanced Heart Failure Patients. Podium presentation at the 2016 State of the Science Congress on Nursing Research in Washington D.C. **
- Evans, M., Ksiazek, M., Kaminsky, J. & Diehl, M. (July 13, 2016). Men’s & Women’s Health and Well Being. Podium presentation at Visiting Nurses Association quarterly community education event in Olyphant, PA.
- Evans, M. (June 7, 2016). Somatic Awareness and Self-Symptom Recognition in Advanced Heart Failure Patients. Podium presentation at the annual summer meeting of the Xi Gamma Chapter of Sigma Theta Tau International in Scranton, PA.
- Evans, M. (May 20, 2016). Somatic Awareness and Self-Symptom Recognition in Advanced Heart Failure Patients. Podium presentation at The Life Science Symposium at The Pennsylvania State University in State College, PA.
- Evans, M. (May 20, 2016). Somatic Awareness and Self-Symptom Recognition in Advanced Heart Failure Patients. Poster presentation at The Life Science Symposium at The Pennsylvania State University in State College, PA.
- Evans, M. (April 19, 2016). Somatic Awareness and Self-Symptom Recognition in Advanced Heart Failure Patients. Virtual Poster presentation Research in Action to Undergraduate Nursing Students at The Pennsylvania State University in State College, PA.
- Evans, M., Hupcey, J., Kitko, L., & Alonso, W. (April, 14, 2016). Comparison of the Life Descriptions of Newly-Diagnosed Versus Chronic Stage D Heart Failure Patients. Paper presentation at Eastern Nursing Research Society 28th Annual Scientific Sessions in Pittsburgh, PA. **
- Evans, M. (April 4-15, 2016). Somatic Awareness and Self-Symptom Recognition in Advanced Heart Failure Patients. Virtual podium presentation at Sigma Theta Tau International Beta Sigma Research Week. **
- Evans, M. (March 20, 2016). Somatic Awareness and Self-Symptom Recognition in Advanced Heart Failure Patients. Poster presentation at the Graduate Exhibition at The Pennsylvania State University in State College, PA. Won Second Place. **
- Evans, M. (March 16, 2016). Somatic Awareness and Self-Symptom Recognition in Advanced Heart Failure Patients. Poster presentation at the College of Health and Human Development and College of Nursing Interdisciplinary Research Forum and Social at The Pennsylvania State University in State College, PA.
- Evans, M., Ksiazek, M., & Lashinksi, C. (February 25, 2016). Love Your Heart: An Overview of Heart Health. Podium presentation at Visiting Nurses Association quarterly community education event in Olyphant, PA.
- Evans, M. (January 5, 2016). YouSeeU in a Nursing Course. Part of a panel discussion on multimedia in the classroom perspectives. Podium presentation at The Pennsylvania State University Faculty Development Day at Worthington Scranton in Dunmore, PA.
- Evans, M. (January 6, 2015). Nursing Presentations by Adobe Connect. Podium presentation at The Pennsylvania State University Faculty Development Day at Worthington Scranton in Dunmore, PA.
- Evans, M. (March 18, 2015). Comparisons of the Life Descriptors of Newly Diagnosed Versus Chronic Stage D Heart Failure Patients. Poster presentation at the College of Health and Human Development and College of Nursing Interdisciplinary Research Forum and Social at The Pennsylvania State University in State College, PA.
- Evans, M. (March 22, 2015). Comparisons of the Life Descriptors of Newly Diagnosed Versus Chronic Stage D Heart Failure Patients. Poster presentation at the Graduate Exhibition at The Pennsylvania State University in State College, PA.
- Evans, M. (April 1, 2015). Comparison of Life Descriptions of Newly Diagnosed Versus Chronic Stage D Heart Failure Patients. Podium presentation at monthly faculty seminar at Penn State Worthington Scranton in Dunmore, PA.
- Evans, M. (April 11, 2015). Comparison of Life Descriptions of Newly Diagnosed Versus Chronic Stage D Heart Failure Patients. Podium presentation at Sigma Theta Tau International Beta Sigma Chapter Research Day at Penn State University, State College, PA **
- Evans, M. (April 21, 2015). Concept Analysis: Self-Symptom Recognition. Podium presentation at monthly faculty seminar at Penn State Worthington Scranton in Dunmore, PA.
- Evans, M. & Ksiazek, M. (November 11, 2015). Diabetes Awareness, Nutrition, and Management. Podium presentation at Visiting Nurses Association quarterly community education event in Olyphant, PA.
- Evans, M. (April 5, 2014). Bedside Reporting: Is it Enhancing Care? Podium presentation at Sigma Theta Tau International Beta Sigma Chapter Research Day at Penn State University, State College, PA. **
- Evans, M. (August 1 – 2, 2014). Collaborative Learning: An Opportunity for Professional Growth of the Student Nurse while Caring for Local Community Residents. Poster Presentation at 2014 Nuts & Bolts for Nursing Educators Conference in Minneaplis, MN. **.
- Evans, M. (March 11, 2013). The Use of Asynchronous Discussion Boards as a Teaching Strategy in Undergraduate Nursing Students. PowerPoint presentation at monthly faculty seminar at Penn State Worthington Scranton.
- Evans, M., Wilburne, J., Shannon, J., Jimenez, J., & Blackmon, M. (March, 16, 2013). Campus Perspectives on Doceri Use in the Classroom. PowerPoint presentation at 2013 Symposium for Teaching and Learning with Technology at The Penn Stater Conference Center Hotel. **
- Evans, M. & Lyons, T. (April 22, 2013). Blended Learning Method for Undergraduate Nursing Research Courses. Podium presentation at Sigma Theta Tau International Beta Sigma Chapter Research Day at Mount Nittany Hospital, State College, PA. **
- Lyons, T., & Evans, M. M. (May 5, 2013). Blended Learning and Interdisciplinary Teaching to Increase Student Nursing Outcomes. 11th International Congress on Medical Librarianship, Medical Library Association, Boston, MA, Poster. **
- Lyons, T., & Evans, M. M. (May 6, 2013). Impact on Mobile Computing in Nursing Student Engagement: Interdisciplinary Facilitation of Blended Learning. International Clinical Librarian Conference, Medical Library Association, Boston, MA. Poster. **
- Evans, M. (August 2 & 3, 2013). Using Asynchronous Discussion Forums as a New Model for Clinical Post-Conferences. Poster Presentation at 2013 Nuts & Bolts for Nursing Educators Conference in Minneapolis, MN. **
- Evans, M. & Lyons, T. (April 9, 2012). The Use of Asynchronous Discussion Boards to Increase Student Learning: An Interdisciplinary Approach. PowerPoint and poster presentation at monthly faculty seminar at Penn State Worthington Scranton.
- Evans, M. & Lyons, T. (April 11, 2012). The Use of Asynchronous Discussion Boards to Increase Student Learning. An Interdisciplinary Approach. Poster Presentation at Library Week Faculty Presentation at Penn State Worthington Scranton.
- Evans, M. & Lyons, T. (April 20, 2012). The Use of Asynchronous Discussion Boards to Increase Student Learning: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Teaching Nursing Research. Podium presentation at Sigma Theta Tau International Beta Sigma Chapter Research Day at Mount Nittany Hospital, State College, PA. **
- Evans, M. & Lyons, T. (June 3, 2012). The Use of Asynchronous Discussion Boards to Increase Student Learning: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Teaching Nursing Research. Poster presentation at Moses Taylor Hospital, Scranton, PA.
- Evans, M. & Lyons, T. (October 12, 2012). The Effect of Digital Discussions on Student Learning: A Comparative Study Exploring an Interdisciplinary Approach to Teaching Nursing Research. Podium Presentation at Geisinger Nursing Research Conference: New Healthcare: A Collaborative Approach at Wilkes University, Wilkes Barre, PA **
- Lyons, T. (Author and Presenter), Evans, M.M. (Co-Author). (October, 14, 2012). Digital Storytelling: Connecting Nursing Students and Evidence-Based Practice Instructors, Paper and Oral Presentation at Quad Chapter Conference, Middle-Atlantic, Southern, New York/New Jersey, and Philadelphia Regional Chapters of the Medical Library Association, Baltimore, MD. **
- Lyons, T. (Author and Presenter), Evans, M.M. (Co-Author). (October 15, 2012). Mobile Computing’s Connection to Nursing Student Engagement: Blended Learning through Digital Storytelling. Poster Presentation at Quad Chapter Conference, Middle-Atlantic, Southern, New York/New Jersey, and Philadelphia Regional Chapters of the Medical Library Association, Baltimore, MD. **
- Evans M. & Lyons, T. (October 24, 2012). Digital Discussions Impact of Nursing Student Learning: A Comparative Study of Online Interdisciplinary Teaching. PowerPoint and poster presentation at monthly faculty seminar at Penn State Worthington Scranton.
- Lyons, T. & Evans, M. (October 29, 2012). Digital Storytelling: Ubiquitous Learning via Multimedia Technology in the Learning Management System. Paper and Virtual Presentation at Ireland International Conference on Education, Dublin, Ireland. published in proceedings. **
- Evans, M. (September, 14, 2011). An evidence based practice protocol to improve glucose control in individuals with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Oral Presentation at Marywood University’s Chapter of Sigma Theta Tau, Xi Gamma, Dunmore, PA.
- Evans, M. (February 18, 2010). An evidence based Practice protocol to improve glucose control in individuals with type 2 diabetes mellitus. PowerPoint and poster presentation at monthly faculty seminar at Penn State Worthington Scranton.
- Evans, M. Evans, M., & Pratt, B. (November 29, 2010). Clinical do’s and don’ts of infant and child pain assessment. Poster Presentation at Mercy Hospital, Scranton, PA.
- Evans, M. (December, 6, 2010). An evidence based practice protocol to improve glucose control in individuals with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Poster Presentation at Moses Taylor Hospital, Scranton, PA.
- Evans, M., Evans, M., Franklin, A., & Lashinski, K. (December 15, 2010). Clinical do’s and don’ts of an adult objective abdominal assessment. Poster Presentation at Community Medical Center, Scranton, PA.
- Evans, M. Evans, M., & Pratt, B. (April 27, 2009). Clinical do’s and don’ts of infant and child pain assessment. Poster Presentation at Penn State Worthington Scranton’s Undergraduate Research Fair.
- Evans, M., Evans, M., Franklin, A., & Lashinski, K. (April 27, 2009). Clinical do’s and don’ts of an adult objective abdominal assessment. Poster Presentation at Penn State Worthington Scranton’s Undergraduate Research Fair.
- Evans M. & Pratt, B. (April 27, 2009). Effectiveness of traditional vs. non-traditional approaches to health: A different twist. Poster Presentation at Penn State Worthington Scranton’s Undergraduate Research Fair.
- Evans, M. (March 26, 2009). An evidence based practice protocol to improve glucose control in individuals with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Poster Presentation at Villanova University’s Annual Research Seminar. **