120 Ridge View Drive
Dunmore, PA 18512
Critical care and nursing administration background. Served in the capacity as a house nursing supervisor for a local acute care facility.
Worked in the director capacity with the development office for grant money for equipment, a simulation mannequin, and to host an inter-professional collaborative event for school nurses with hand’s on simulation skills.
- Gertrude Hawk Chocolates Service Award Penn State Scranton (April 2023)
- OL 3800: Excellence in Academic Advising (April 2019)
- “Immersion in Simulation Conference at Drexel University”- Drexel University, Philadelphia (August 2013)
Professional Membership
- National League for Nursing 2013-Current
Research Interests
Stroke, Quality Improvement, Nursing Administration, Community Health
Scholarly Publications
Evans, M., Ferguson, J., Harrison, G., Shaffer, A., Miner, M., & Riley, K. (January/February, 2018). End-of-Life care in a medical/surgical setting. MedSurg Matters, 27(1). 4-6.
Evans, M., Miner, M., Harrison, G., Ferguson, J., Miller, A., & Favuzza, A. (September/October, 2016). Ischemic stroke-A case study describing the standards of care. MedSurg Matters, 25(5), 13-16.
- The Pennsylvania State University - Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP)
- Marywood University, Dunmore, PA - MSN-Master of Science in Nursing Administration
- Marywood University, Dunmore, PA - BSN-Bachelor of Science in Nursing,
- PA RN Nursing Licensure 2006-Current
- Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS), American Heart Association
American Heart Association
Date Obtained: July 2006-Current - Basic Life Support
American Heart Association
Date Obtained: Ongoing certification
Papers and Presentations
Ferguson, J. (Author and Presenter). (May 21, 2019 - May 23, 2019). "“Evaluation of a Newly Implemented Community Based Stroke Education and Outreach Program.”," "Building Bridges: Policy, Systems, Environment, Changes in Action", Wisconsin Public Health Association, Wisconsin Dells, Accepted. National.
Ferguson, J. (October 30, 2017 - October 31, 2017). "“Evaluation of a Newly Implemented Stroke Education/ Support Group & Community Outreach Programs.”," "ATRN Summit 2017", "Appalachian Translational Research Network", Hershey, PA.