Penn State Worthington Scranton recently held its annual Staff Service Awards program during a special employee luncheon in the Study Learning Center Cafe. All campus staff and employees were invited to attend the event and those employees celebrating landmark anniversaries were honored for their years of service to the Worthington Scranton community. Director of Academic Affairs Michael Mahalik presented the awards. Those employees honored were:
Marie Killian, staff assistant to Penn State Worthington Scranton Chancellor Dr. Mary-Beth Krogh-Jespersen, was honored for her Five Years of Service and received a commemorative plaque.
Ron Yevitz, Instructor in Business Administration, was honored with a plaque and gift recognizing his 10 years of service at the university.
Sue Harper, a senior instructor in English, and Verna Saleski, senior instructor in nursing, were recognized for their 15 years of service at Penn State Worthington Scranton.
Majid Chatsaz, assistant professor of engineering, who has been with the university for 20 years, received a plaque and commemorative gift.
David Byman, assistant professor of biology, was honored for his 25 years of service at Penn State Worthington Scranton with a commemorative plaque and a commemorative Penn State University Rocking Chair.
Gayle Smith, associate professor of English, accepted her award honoring her 30 years of service at Penn State Worthington Scranton.