Penn State Worthington Scranton has designated October as IST Awareness Month. Listing a series of three major events, the goal of IST Awareness Month is to tell the community about the incredible opportunities available for graduates of this valuable Penn State degree program.
"Information Sciences and Technology provides students with a theoretical framework and skills needed to compete and contribute globally," said Debra Smarkusky, Ph.D., IST Program Coordinator at Penn State Worthington Scranton. "We are very excited about IST Month. Our IST Faculty, the Admissions Team, together IST Club student leaders have put together an awesome month of events."
This Monday, October 2nd, Mr. George Spanos, director of applications for The Hershey Company will talk with students, faculty and staff about the direction his life has taken given his choice of a career in Information Science. That event will take place in the K. Bruce Sherbine Lounge a 6:00 p.m.
On Wednesday, October 18th , the general public is invited to IST Awareness Night. The event will feature several Penn State IST Grads answering questions and talking about their experiences. The Penn State IST curriculum, job opportunities and salary ranges will be explored. Penn State Worthington Scranton's IST Night will take place Wednesday, October 18th at 6:00 p.m. in the K. Bruce Sherbine Lounge.
Finally, gamers from far and wide will descend on Penn State Worthington Scranton's Study Learning Center Café for an IST LAN Party. IST students and faculty, the IT Department and the entire campus are geared for this innovative event slated for Saturday, October 21st in the campus Café. Refreshments and giveaways will be part of this five hour high-tech party that starts at 3:00 p.m. and ends at 8:00 p.m.
Anyone wishing further information on Penn State Worthington Scranton IST Month should contact the Admissions Office at 963-2500 or visit the campus website at