Dr. Mary-Beth Krogh-Jespersen, chancellor, and Maryla Scranton, advisory board chair, are pleased to announce the appointment of the following individuals to the Penn State Worthington Scranton Advisory Board.
The Honorable Michael Barrese, is in his second 10-year term as a judge in the 45th Judicial District of the Court of Common Pleas of Lackawanna County. His present responsibilities include administration of the criminal docket and handling treatment courts (adult, family, DUI, veterans and co-occurring.) Prior to taking the bench, he was elected to three terms as District Attorney for Lackawanna County and previously served as a Special Assistant U.S. Attorney, Special Attorney General for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and senior trial Assistant District Attorney in Philadelphia.
He is a recipient of the Pennsylvania Trial Judges Award for Efficient Caseload Management (Golden Crow Bar Award); the 2006 Pennsylvania Psychological Association Public Service Award; the 2007 John J. Baldi award for excellences in program evaluation and review. (This award promotes the enhancement and development of service and support for persons with mental disabilities). He has also received the Women's Resource Center Public Service Award.
Atty. Douglas Clark of Peckville, practices law for The Clark Law Firm and represents landowners, and only landowners for gas leasing and all other contracts related to Marcellus Shale development. He is also the host of "All Things Marcellus with Atty. Doug Clark" on 94.3 The Talker, a one-hour weekly radio show.
He is admitted to practice in Pennsylvania (1995); the U.S. District Court, Middle District of PA (1995); the Third Circuit Court of Appeals (2000); and the U.S. Supreme Court, (2006). He is a member of the Lackawanna County Bar Association, and the Blakely Borough Zoning Board.
Mary Garm, of Forest City, is the administrator of the Lackawanna County Library System. She has been involved with numerous local and regional events, including Scranton's Pages & Places Book Festival, the Scranton, Women's Network Committee of the Greater Scranton Chamber of Commerce, vice chair of the Governor's Advisory Council on Library Development, and the Pennsylvania Humanities Council.
Joann Kowalski currently serves as the economic development coordinator for Susquehanna County and provided leadership training for the Leadership Pike program in Pike County.
Frank Marcos, of Paupack, is vice chairman at Deloitte Tax, LLP in New York City and Leader - OCEO Strategic Clients. He serves as the single point contact for over 200 OCEO tax client service teams.
Mr. Marcos has over 28 years of experience in public accounting, serving a wide variety of public and private companies. He was a former Firm National Tax Director for consumer business and is a board member of Deloitte Tax LLP and a member of the Deloitte Tax Executive Group.
He graduated from Montclair State University in 1980 with a B.S. in accounting.