Technology makes working out easier

Students in Gina Gray's strength training class this fall took on a special class project that combined mobile device technology, the campus' Media Commons, and weight lifting equipment in an effort to make working out easier for those new to the activity and maybe a little bit intimidated when trying to use the machines for the first time.

Ms. Gray, Instructor in Kinesiology, explained that the project was part of the Media Commons Mobile Media Pilot Project.  Her students used iPad minis to create short, instructional videos for various machines in the weight room.  One student would film another student using the equipment, demonstrating how to properly use the machine. The videos were then linked to QR codes posted on the respective machines in the weight room.  Each video is approximately 30-45 seconds long.

Anyone now using the equipment can use a mobile devise with a QR reader/app (which can be downloaded for free) to view the instructional video to learn how to properly work out on those pieces of equipment in the Multi-Purpose Building's weight room.

"We hope that this encourages more people to use the weight room and we also hope to continue this project in upcoming semesters until all of the machines have QR codes," said Ms. Gray.