What is cultural intelligence?
Cultural intelligence CQ (cultural quotient) refers to a person's ability to understand, appreciate, and navigate cultural norms and expectations.
Cultural intelligence can be broken down into four main components:
- cognitive
- physical
- emotional, and
- behavioral.
Cultural Intelligence Workshop Overview
This 8-hour workshop is designed for employees and managers to delve into diverse workplaces to recognize cultural intelligence issues and heighten awareness of cultural intelligence dynamics.
This course will bolster attendees' comprehension of issues related to cultural intelligence and equip them with the skills to tackle these challenges when they surface.
Schedule for Cultural Intelligence (CQ) in the Workplace
Dates: TBD
Times: Thursdays, 6 pm - 8 pm
Location: Online instructor-led training via Zoom
Cost: $165 per person
Registration information, please contact 570-963-2600 or email [email protected] if you have questions about the program.
Note: The University reserves the right to cancel courses due to insufficient enrollment or other unforeseen circumstances.