The campus’ Student Nurses Association (SNA), led by dedicated faculty and student nurses, share smiles as they gather donated food items collected for Friends of the Poor. Credit: Penn State Scranton Expand Located in the Study Learning Center, our campus food pantry, generously stocked for hungry students to grab-and-go, is made possible by our partnership with Child Hunger Outreach Partners (CHOP). Credit: Penn State Scranton Expand Coats and hats beginning to overflow in one of the many boxes located on campus and throughout the community as part of BA 321’s service project dedicated to assisting Keystone Mission, an award-winning, local faith-based non-profit organization in Scranton and Wilkes-Barre. Credit: Penn State Scranton Expand Campus Health Services Nurse Jill Thoman smiles alongside boxes filled with shelf-stable items destined for our campus food pantry, ensuring health and nourishment for our students. Credit: Penn State Scranton Expand